--- layout: post title: Overuse of AJAX is not good. tags: - Development status: publish type: post published: true meta: _edit_last: '1' --- I was having a nice chat with a partner of mine about this new project we're to create soon. I was spreading the word on web standards design and he actually agreed on the principles. He also asked my opinion on using AJAX, stating that it would be a great tool on server performance, although it would affect Google indexation; all true. The thing is he wanted to use AJAX the wrong way. In other words, he wanted to use it all the way, including content. That really is harsh towards findability, according to what he said, thus it shouldn't be used on generating content, unless we don't actually want it to be found, of course. If you want your content to be findable, just don't use AJAX. My whole learning process is about optimizing content and its generation and what I know for sure is that AJAX is for optimizing content management and not its generation (if you still want to use AHAH that's your call, I respect). For example, you have a blog with regular posts. If want to insert a new post, you won't actually need a brand new page just to say the post has been created. This is the perfect example to use AJAX in which the only thing you have to print from the server is a single phrase, after doing the insertion in the database of course. And that is only one example, there is a ton more out there!