--- layout: post title: Last year in a nutshell tags: - Personal improvement status: publish type: post published: true meta: _edit_last: '1' --- Today is my 22nd birthday. Yay, you say. Actually, it was a lousy day if I must say, it rained all day, my degree ain't done yet and I have work to do. This post is more like an introspection to my progress throughout 2007/2008, regarding web design, development and self development. It has been by far the year that I have learned the most. It has been the year where I have put myself to test the most. It has been the year where I've finally met the USA, their culture, their "different" food. There were just so many things that happened! I can't even remember them all. This was the last year (until further notice) on my degree. It's September now and I feel wonderful. I know a lot more people, a lot more of my skills, a lot more of how my future should change from now. Well... I know it'll change a lot! Thanks for everyone that's helped me to become a better person, a better designer, a better developer, a better friend. I'm not going to name everybody because I have people I learned from ... for what I should do and what I shouldn't. I believe this year to come will bring me a lot of knowledge, experience and income so I can fulfill my dreams. Wish me luck!