--- layout: post title: ! 'Pixelmator: a smaller Photoshop.' tags: - Design status: publish type: post published: true meta: _edit_last: '1' --- Pixelmator_logo.jpgI've been sniping Pixelmator for a time ago. Truly simple, fast, sleek and result-driven tool. Oh, you don't know what Pixelmator is? It's a photography utility program that allows you to edit photos in a pinch! And since it's based on Mac so nicely, you can access your iPhoto library seamlessly. As master Jobs would say: pretty cool, huh? Oh and forgot to mention, it's open source based! This means low expense and good results as usual in the FOSS group. Will be posting some results with my experience on it, now that I'm almost to embrace photography more seriously. If you don't have the money nor the mad genius to get Photoshop, this is a real good way to start!