--- layout: post title: ! "Corrupt kings: an approach to greedy people of the web" tags: [ design, loadacrap ] published: true --- This is something that intrigues me pretty much: design companies / people who claim themselves the trophy for great products and yet they suck. I tag these guys as _corrupt kings _or _napoleons_ of the web because they think they are the best at what they do and yet they don't and no one tells them so! I met a client a couple days ago. He asked me to retake on a project that used a very strange platform. "Please take a look at the current launch, José". What do I do? I browse CSS, accessibility, usability and source code. The apparently awarded CMS was built on a table based layout and it didn't show the same results over different browsers. And you say: "OK, so what's the problem with designing on top of a table layout ?" If it works on many browsers and you can't afford web standards, well... keep it! But if it comes out as a complete junk like this, I would be ashamed of myself. The website looks like this in [Internet Explorer](http://localhost:8888/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/ie6.png), [Firefox](http://localhost:8888/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/firefox.png) and [Safari](http://localhost:8888/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/safari.png). Any _napoleon_ with this level of costumer fidelity - yea, the costumers say they have _really great_ products! my gosh... — ought to be better prepared to face the real challenge, when users start to realize there are many browsers to choose from, new technologies improve user experience and designers and developers create the web differently with more care for performance, beauty and usability. Are you a designer reading this? Take a look at web standards and cross-browser experience. I'm sure you'll like it.