--- layout: post title: Apache 2 on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 issue on upgrade tags: [ development, mac, leopard, apache ] published: true --- This weekend I decided to arrange my hard drive in a way that I could have a 5GB partition with sinful Windows XP to play some games with the family. To do that, I bought a 1TB external hard drive to use as a Time Machine backup for the process. At the time, my disk was already partitioned for Ubuntu but since I didn't find it useful anymore, I replaced it for Windows. Well, the good thing is I can actually play some old games like Empire Earth and Counter-Strike with the cousins to have some fun. The bad news is my Apache server settings screwed up. Two things happened. _Number one:_ `http://localhost/~user` was thrown a `403 Forbidden` access. This problem is the result of the user configurations for the server whilst the reinstallation / upgrade of the system, they don't exist now. What you have to do is very simple. Go to /private/etc/apache2/users and create a file `yourshortusername.conf` and type this: {% highlight apache %} Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all {% endhighlight %} Restart your server and you're ready to go! Number two: My virtual hosts blew away. I should have kept a record on how to do this in case I had to a reinstallation, I guess I can kick myself now. (I'm solving this as I write this post :P) Three steps: * Go to `/private/etc/hosts` and say you want to assign to your alias, like this: ` youralias` * Go to `/private/etc/apache2` and uncomment the line that includes the virtual hosts configuration file. If you want to use PHP, you might want to uncomment the line that includes it as well. * Finally, go to `/private/etc/apache2/extra` and edit the `httpd-vhosts.conf` mentioned on 2. and add this chunk of code: {% highlight apache %} DocumentRoot "/path/to/your/site/" ServerAlias yoursitename ServerName yoursitename {% endhighlight %} Restart your server and virtual hosts are up and running.