--- layout: post title: The 960px grid on top of full-range background tags: - Design status: publish type: post published: true meta: _edit_last: '1' --- I have been putting myself to test on a client project, regarding aesthetics. I have used "The Grid" in other situations but not in this way. I have learned how to accomplish grid balance on top of full-range background... again, the hard way. I use this approach in this very blog so you should realize its result already. This accomplishment has been unveiled to me through three of my favorite websites out there: SimpleBits, Viget and OnWired. I know a lot of other websites that use this but these really caught my special attention. If you see three homepages, all of them use full-range backgrounds and yet they use the the 960px grid. I wanted that richness in my projects and so I gave it a try. Before I deepen into the procedure, i must say it's always good to have a container/bucket div instead of acting directly over the body element for cross-browser compatibility. I have tried it and IE 6 didn't like it very much. We are admitting a simple skeleton here: a simple header, a navigation bar, a main body and a footer should do the trick. So here's my procedure:

Step 1

Create the container div around. <div id='container'> → Skeleton goes here. </div> This is helpful as I mentioned in order to set its width to 960px right there. #container { width: 960px; margin: X auto; } This is a very basic approach and it's a good one if you want to implement a 30px padded box like Paul Boag for example. That way you save further implementation and get a clean shot at the grid. However, if you plan to use full-range backgrounds like I did then you'll have a little more work.

Step 2

Don't set any width for the skeleton div's so they default to 100%. Now you're ready to set each one a background (perhaps you'll have a repeat-x option or an attached one merging to the background color). Now each div gets it's own background, which is what we want. For the header, it would be something like: #header { background: #xyz url('path/to/background.png') repeat-x; }

Step 3

Place a single div child inside each skeleton div. All of the content should go inside these child div's. Then, you can set each div child the 960px width like this: #container > div > div { width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; }This tells us the div's inside the skeleton div's get affected. That's why I'm saying every piece of content should go inside the child div's, while the background goes outside. And you ask why not setting the default width to the skeleton div's itself? Well, you can do that but let me show me the differences. Without the child div's it would look like this... Again, this is a very simple example. You can try lots of other stuff like positioning only some of the div's, background different settings, anything. I hope you learned something from this example.