--- layout: post title: ! 'Announcing: José Mota — New breakthrough.' tags: - Miscellaneous status: publish type: post published: true meta: _edit_last: '1' --- Today I officially launch my blog revamp, after a series of hosting and domain issues. I decided to buy a new yet similar domain and host it in a trustful company.

So what's new anyway?

New theme series

As you may recall, the previous series of theming were named after the purple gem, Amethyst. This time I baptize this series with a different gem color, namely Amber. I chose browns and yellows to resemble a different level of distinction and so I traded the mysterious nature of the purple for a more determined and sleeker brown & yellow mix. Personally I enjoyed the soft grunge touch to it, it really pushes it up a notch. I also tried to emphasize the content in a way that's readable, simple and efficient. At least when I read a post, it makes me feel comfortable.

Back to Wordpress

Yes, you heard me: I ditched Drupal in favor of Wordpress. But then you ask:
Are you of your freaking mind? First you use Wordpress, then Drupal and now Wordpress back again??
  1. Drupal was giving me a lotta headaches just for building a blog and a portfolio. If it were something bigger, then perhaps I'd consider Drupal instead.
  2. I must admit: Wordpress' editor is the best one I've ever seen. The media section is built right in and the whole admin area is just so much more inviting.
  3. Wordpress also includes import/export features, which Drupal doesn't yet. Well, at least not this good, all I did was import the XML file, plain paste of the wp-content folder, configure the plugins and that's it.

Well, anything else?

That's it for today. I hope that this installation stays put for a long long time. Give your feedback if you are so kind.