--- layout: post title: Wasting time — a story about motivation tags: - Loadacrap - Personal improvement status: private type: post published: false meta: _edit_last: '1' --- Sometimes I feel I'm wasting my fucking time. Ever had that feeling? — Sometimes I also feel that I'm being tossed the wrong client and the wrong bosses but that's a whole different story —. This is kind of a judgement leak in the way that I'm boiling to exhaustion.

Come on, honey, have a seat and tell me the story.

So you're sick of it. Suck it up and finish it, how 'bout that?

I'm not a cheap laborer. I work hard but I also work for passion. This project is a total waste of time because everyone working on it says it won't convert and won't be successful. Wait a minute, what?! You mean I'm spending three months (that's 480 hours approximately) of my life for absolutely nothing? That's definitely a motivation. So no sucking it up this time; and finishing it doesn't look that thrilling, does it? My drive is passion, people and the mind of the beautiful. If I can't deliver, then one of these three is missing or corrupt (like a system file).