--- layout: post title: ! "Rails 3 has_many :through checkboxes" tags: [ development ] status: publish type: post published: true --- On Twitter I wrote: > Rails does it for you, just add sheet_ids[] to the form with the checkboxes and > it's done! will blog. Being a music teacher, my fiance needed to keep record of tests her students perform. Also, each test has several sheets that need mentoring and monitorization through several parameters. I decided to help and reentered the Rails world, and since I have found no answer on this topic, I decided to write it myself. This situation is a perfect model for using the so well known HABTM checkboxes. ### A closer look at the problem #### Models A pretty basic setup. The venues (the students' tests) include several sheets for them to study and for the teacher to evaluate, through exhibitions that have several criteria. #### View I simplified the form just so you see what's at stake. The same principle of the HABTM checkboxes applies to a has_many :through association. Instead of new entries in a venues_sheets table, new Exhibitions are created with the respective foreign ids in them. The controller needs no mention because it stays the same. It just saves / updates the model. This is why I love Rails: the hard work is done: you just need to focus on what matters.