--- layout: post title: ! 'Sacrilege: a rather lousy rant on Java for the web' tags: [ development, loadacrap ] type: post published: true --- Let me start out saying I'm glad I never had to make web apps in Java. Boostrapping the crap out of a Maven + Struts archetype is insane. I honestly don't know what to feel for Java programmers. It's been an hour and a half since I've started reading the [ Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development book ](http://www.amazon.com/Apache-Struts-Web-Application-Development/dp/1847193390/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1328904973&sr=8-1) and I'm going nuts. _I've dealt with more XML in this hour and a half than most of the time in my degree._ Story told short: * I've installed Netbeans and an Apache Tomcat 7 server. * I've created a new Maven Web application. * I've copied a struts routing example, along with the respective action POJO. * Tried to reach the URL; no luck. * Looked up for a web.xml example, in order to correctly load Struts. * Project won't deploy. FML. **At an hour and a half, reading and typing, I could have done so much more in Rails or Sinatra. Sorry.** I don't care what people think about me comparing Java to Ruby at such an early stage in _trying to learn_. But hey, it's 2012, software ought to be easier to accomplish. Why does it have to be so difficult to understand how a simple controller is executed? Why is the Java way so convoluted? I'll update this post when I can create a Struts action properly, perhaps with an interceptor. If I can make it to apply some TDD along the way, I pat myself in the back. Until then, I stay with the attitude.