--- layout: post title: Announcing a code retreat in Lisbon tags: [ development ] type: post published: true --- I'm announcing the second portuguese code retreat! It's going to be awesome. The first edition was back in FEUP @ Oporto and the participants absolutely loved it, it was awesome to see everyone excited around the [Conway's Game of Life](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life). I was amazed at the feedback they gave the facilitation commitee. So this second edition of the event will be help in [ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon](http://goo.gl/maps/VehEi), in November 17th 2012, at 10am. You might want to take a look at [the details page](http://agilept.org/meetups/coderetreatlisbon) to know what it will be all about. To sign up, you have two choices: 1. Visit the [event's Google+ page](https://plus.google.com/events/cmdlnn2a48arb43cbp1ut4epc1s) and sign up; 2. Send me [an email](mailto:jose@josemota.net?subject=Sign%20up%20for%20Code%20Retreat) or [tweet me](http://twitter.com/josemotanet). I want to thank the guys over at [BUSII](http://www.facebook.com/getbusii) and [IEEE-IUL](http://ieee.iscte-iul.pt/) for supporting the event. Please get back in touch with me if you need more information on the event or any help I might be able to provide. I hope to see you there!