BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
master[shell] Test if chruby is a directory, not a file.José Mota14 hours
AgeCommit messageAuthor
14 hours[shell] Test if chruby is a directory, not a file.HEADmasterJosé Mota
25 hours[emacs] Update config fileJosé Mota
34 hours[setup] Add an init script to run when kicking off a new machine.José Mota
34 hours[docs] Add bat to toolbelt.José Mota
34 hours[shell] Alias cat to bat if it exists.José Mota
34 hours[neovim] Extras: markdown and tailwind.José Mota
34 hours[shell] Default to neovim if it exists.José Mota
34 hours[shell] Add zoxide and chruby.José Mota
34 hoursStart documenting typical tools for a dev environment.José Mota
34 hours[neovim] Init neovim.José Mota