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5 files changed, 103 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/_posts/2010-11-05-rails-3-has_many-through-checkboxes.html b/_posts/2010-11-05-rails-3-has_many-through-checkboxes.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 84838a2..0000000
--- a/_posts/2010-11-05-rails-3-has_many-through-checkboxes.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Rails 3 has_many :through checkboxes
-- Development
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
- _wp_old_slug: ''
-On Twitter I wrote:
-<blockquote>Rails does it for you, just add sheet_ids[] to the form with the checkboxes and it's done! will blog.</blockquote>
-Being a music teacher, my fiance needed to keep record of tests her students perform. Also, each test has several sheets that need mentoring and monitorization through several parameters. I decided to help and reentered the Rails world, and since I have found no answer on this topic, I decided to write it myself.
-This situation is a perfect model for using the so well known <a href="">HABTM checkboxes</a>.
-<h3>A closer look at the problem</h3>
-[gist id=663287]
-A pretty basic setup. The <em>venues</em> (the students' tests) include several <em>sheets</em> for them to study and for the teacher to evaluate, through <em>exhibitions</em> that have several criteria.
-[gist id=663417]
-I simplified the form just so you see what's at stake. The same principle of the HABTM checkboxes applies to a has_many :through association. Instead of new entries in a venues_sheets table, new <em>Exhibitions</em> are created with the respective foreign ids in them.
-The controller needs no mention because it stays the same. It just saves / updates the model. This is why I love Rails: the hard work is done: you just need to focus on what matters.
diff --git a/_posts/2010-11-05-rails-3-has_many-through-checkboxes.markdown b/_posts/2010-11-05-rails-3-has_many-through-checkboxes.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd00f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2010-11-05-rails-3-has_many-through-checkboxes.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+layout: post
+title: ! "Rails 3 has_many :through checkboxes"
+tags: [ development ]
+status: publish
+type: post
+published: true
+On Twitter I wrote:
+> Rails does it for you, just add sheet_ids[] to the form with the checkboxes and
+> it's done! will blog.
+Being a music teacher, my fiance needed to keep record of tests her students
+perform. Also, each test has several sheets that need mentoring and
+monitorization through several parameters. I decided to help and reentered the
+Rails world, and since I have found no answer on this topic, I decided to write
+it myself.
+This situation is a perfect model for using the so well known <a
+href="">HABTM checkboxes</a>.
+### A closer look at the problem
+#### Models
+<script src=""></script>
+A pretty basic setup. The <em>venues</em> (the students' tests) include several
+<em>sheets</em> for them to study and for the teacher to evaluate,
+through <em>exhibitions</em> that have several criteria.
+#### View
+<script src=""></script>
+I simplified the form just so you see what's at stake. The same principle of
+the HABTM checkboxes applies to a has_many :through association. Instead of new
+entries in a venues_sheets table, new <em>Exhibitions</em> are created with the
+respective foreign ids in them.
+The controller needs no mention because it stays the same. It just saves /
+updates the model. This is why I love Rails: the hard work is done: you just
+need to focus on what matters.
diff --git a/_posts/2011-06-09-ufzvalidator-form-validator-jquery-plugin.markdown b/_posts/2011-06-09-ufzvalidator-form-validator-jquery-plugin.markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c7c6f5..0000000
--- a/_posts/2011-06-09-ufzvalidator-form-validator-jquery-plugin.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: ! 'UFZvalidator: form validator jQuery plugin'
-tags: [ development, personal improvement ]
-published: true
-I have been working with [Utopic Farm]('s [jQuery Form
-Validator]( for a while, it's a
-good plugin. But I have been forced to change it to suit my needs. I thought it
-would be a great idea to just fork it and release the changes I made
-I asked Tolga Arican what the license what kind of license they had for the
-plugin, they said _none_. I decided to [fork the
-project]( and host it on Github, so I
-could make improvements to the plugin and share them with everyone. Enjoy!
-Props to the Utopic Farm team for building such a great plugin.
diff --git a/_posts/2011-08-02-cucumber-rspec-and-documentation-as-one.html b/_posts/2011-08-02-cucumber-rspec-and-documentation-as-one.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d33c72..0000000
--- a/_posts/2011-08-02-cucumber-rspec-and-documentation-as-one.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Cucumber / Rspec and documentation as one
-- Development
-- Personal improvement
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-A Ruby developer I met recently told me that the majority of us Rubyists skip documentation in favor of <a href="">Test Driven Development</a> tools. Some business are still pretty <a title="Waterfall design process" href="">waterfall oriented</a> and demand all the requirements gathering, business analysis and design beforehand, as well as hard documentation with lots of funny terms and fancy diagrams.
-I told her I was looking forward to studying <a href="">Cucumber</a> and <a href="">Rspec</a> in order to improve my skills. She asked me how I did documentation using those tools and I answered: “Cucumber and Rspec are the documentation”. As she twisted her nose I could tell I had to research more on the topic; so I did.
-I have been reading the Rspec book. Definitely read it if you want to know how to code better.
-<h3>Why does “documentation” feel so hard?</h3>
-Dumb answer: <em>It sucks</em>. Smart answer would be something like: <em>You might be doing it wrong</em>.
-Documentation specifies a software's collection of procedures it performs. Why should we even try and build software that does not resemble people's expectations? (If it weren't Ruby, I'd guess the software to be built required another form of understanding, which is fine and yet irrelevant in this case.)
-<h3>Who is the documentation for?</h3>
-Not just people, but stakeholders who want straightforward answers. 150 pages of paper is not the way to accomplish that, IMO. They know what they asked for and we should build the answers accordingly.
-<h3>Cucumber and Rspec</h3>
-What's wrong with automated documentation? How beautiful is it to have a stakeholder look to a set of Cucumber features and Rspec examples that assert precisely what he asked for — damn, he might have written those features…! — and find the answer?
-Cucumber defines vocabulary for the system, states what it does and who. And it helps developers and stakeholders connect and collaborate.
-PS: being a designer, I know I must present my documentation as pleasant as possible. Well, I guess Cucumber and Rspec just support this statement of mine, don't they…?
diff --git a/_posts/2011-08-02-cucumber-rspec-and-documentation-as-one.markdown b/_posts/2011-08-02-cucumber-rspec-and-documentation-as-one.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc98970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2011-08-02-cucumber-rspec-and-documentation-as-one.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+layout: post
+title: Cucumber / Rspec and documentation as one
+- Development
+- Personal improvement
+type: post
+published: true
+A Ruby developer I met recently told me that the majority of us Rubyists skip
+documentation in favor of <a
+ href="">Test Driven
+ Development</a> tools. Some business are still pretty <a title="Waterfall
+ design process" href="">waterfall
+ oriented</a> and demand all the requirements gathering, business analysis and
+design beforehand, as well as hard documentation with lots of funny terms and
+fancy diagrams.
+I told her I was looking forward to studying <a
+ href="">Cucumber</a> and <a
+ href="">Rspec</a> in order to improve my skills. She asked
+me how I did documentation using those tools and I answered: “Cucumber and
+Rspec are the documentation”. As she twisted her nose I could tell I had to
+research more on the topic; so I did.
+I have been reading the Rspec book. Definitely read it if you want to know how
+to code better.
+### Why does “documentation” feel so hard?
+Dumb answer: _It sucks_. Smart answer would be something like: _You
+might be doing it wrong_.
+Documentation specifies a software's collection of procedures it performs. Why
+should we even try and build software that does not resemble people's
+expectations? (If it weren't Ruby, I'd guess the software to be built required
+another form of understanding, which is fine and yet irrelevant in this case.)
+### Who is the documentation for?
+Not just people, but stakeholders who want straightforward answers. 150 pages
+of paper is not the way to accomplish that, IMO. They know what they asked for
+and we should build the answers accordingly.
+### Cucumber and Rspec
+What's wrong with automated documentation? How beautiful is it to have a
+stakeholder look to a set of Cucumber features and Rspec examples that assert
+precisely what he asked for — damn, he might have written those features…! —
+and find the answer?
+Cucumber defines vocabulary for the system, states what it does and who. And it
+helps developers and stakeholders connect and collaborate.
+PS: being a designer, I know I must present my documentation as pleasant as
+possible. Well, I guess Cucumber and Rspec just support this statement of mine,
+don't they...?