diff options
17 files changed, 312 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/_posts/2008-01-11-a-new-approach-to-word-processing.markdown b/_posts/2008-01-11-a-new-approach-to-word-processing.markdown
index 53d0d34..02fe202 100644
--- a/_posts/2008-01-11-a-new-approach-to-word-processing.markdown
+++ b/_posts/2008-01-11-a-new-approach-to-word-processing.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
layout: post
title: A new approach to word processing
-tags: [ design ]
+tags: [ design, word ]
published: true
diff --git a/_posts/2008-03-17-flash-navigaton-bars-ie-6-only.html b/_posts/2008-03-17-flash-navigaton-bars-ie-6-only.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e176724..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-03-17-flash-navigaton-bars-ie-6-only.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Flash navigaton bars? IE 6 only.
-- Design
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-I recall the times I still used Microsoft's IE browser. Every fancy website had these navigation bars with killer graphics at the time. I wanted to browse through the still messy deprecated HTML so I could learn myself some new techniques along my web design debut. I found this OBJECT tag at the time and was amazed like "Wow, cool graphics! When do I get the chance to do something alike?" I found later that it was a Flash object that I consider nowadays to be a pain in the ass in which concerns web design standards.
-I don't like it when Flash takes over HTML / CSS / Javascript for three reasons:
- <li>It's not Flash's job to BE a website or replace HTML content.</li>
- <li>I hate waiting several seconds to see web content.</li>
- <li>Imagine the Internet download bill...!</li>
-Flash is a great technology, I love Youtube. It's fantastic how Flash allows you to transpose from different video formats into it so people can view it on the web. But I don't see it as HTML replacer, unless it's IE 6.
-IE 6, as you know, is simply the worst web browser ever (if you deny this I suggest you go to bed and wait till IE shuts down). The CSS float property is not supported. This means if I tried to do this kind navigation bar with some floated &lt;li&gt; tags, the list would appear top-down..! Designers thought about this of course and they decided to go for Flash because it had this chance to show "buttons" and with those killer graphics and hover / click effects that IE doesn't have except for hyperlinks (even these are limited).
-Flash's arrival came just in time. It would bring much greater vision on web design; kind of cheating but it's ok. Nowadays we can assist beautiful accomplishments on web design and killer graphics, without Flash. This can now be assigned to what it's meant to be: non-content interactive action.
diff --git a/_posts/2008-03-17-flash-navigaton-bars-ie-6-only.markdown b/_posts/2008-03-17-flash-navigaton-bars-ie-6-only.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29cdee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-03-17-flash-navigaton-bars-ie-6-only.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+layout: post
+title: Flash navigaton bars? IE 6 only.
+tags: [ design ]
+published: true
+I recall the times I still used Microsoft's IE browser. Every fancy website had
+these navigation bars with killer graphics at the time. I wanted to browse
+through the still messy deprecated HTML so I could learn myself some new
+techniques along my web design debut. i found this `object` tag at the time and
+was amazed like "Wow, cool graphics! When do I get the chance to do something
+alike?" I found later that it was a Flash object that I consider nowadays to be
+a pain in the ass concerning web design standards.
+I don't like the way Flash takes over HTML / CSS / Javascript for three reasons:
+* It's not Flash's job to BE a website or replace HTML content.
+* I hate waiting several seconds to see web content.
+* Imagine the Internet download bill...!
+Flash is a great technology, I love Youtube. It's fantastic how Flash allows
+you to transpose from different video formats into it so people can view it on
+the web. But I don't see it as HTML replacer, unless it's IE 6.
+IE 6, as you know, is simply the worst web browser ever (if you deny this I
+suggest you go to bed and wait until IE shuts down). The CSS `float` property
+is not supported. This means if I tried to do this kind navigation bar with
+some floated &lt;li&gt; tags, the list would appear top-down..! Designers
+thought about this of course and they decided to go for Flash because it had
+this chance to show "buttons" and with those killer graphics and hover / click
+effects that IE doesn't have except for hyperlinks (even these are limited).
+Flash's arrival came just in time. It would bring much greater vision on web
+design; kind of cheating but it's ok. Nowadays we can assist beautiful
+accomplishments on web design and killer graphics, without Flash. This can now
+be assigned to what it's meant to be: non-content interactive action.
diff --git a/_posts/2008-03-18-i-got-my-first-bitchy-job.html b/_posts/2008-03-18-i-got-my-first-bitchy-job.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 15193f9..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-03-18-i-got-my-first-bitchy-job.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: I got my first (bitchy) job!
-- Loadacrap
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-So the day has come... I'm not that excited because the whole day sucked like hell. If you're a guy who's hoping to get a decent job on your first try, forget it.
-For a start off, I arrived at 9h30 at the office so I would start being taught the all-fancy Microsoft's SharePoint... yet the boss only came at midday! I wasted 2,5 hours for nothing. When the guy actually came he said I should start with SharePoint right away. The thing is he didn't actually say I was to do it all by myself. After some dirty stuff we did lifting closets, me and a newcomer as well were given a book (not two - one per brain - , just one) and told: "Start doin' it, you have this virtual machine to start playing around..." What the hell?! Where's our training? This slide-like 250 page book with something we didn't put our brains into whensoever in our entire life and we just «start doin' it»??
-The worst thing was the machine I was given: it didn't work! I had to format it myself and spend 2 hours trying to make it work with the virtual machine up and running as well..! After all that was clear, I tried to actually run the VM; result: it didn't work again. One more hour to fix it and it finally goes up. What's my final suprise? The VM is slow as a turtoise!
-I can't work like this! Somebody make time go bullet fast because I had enough of this and it's been only my first day! I start to get a little scared of what might happen the next weeks.
-<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">I'm looking for a company that wants PHP or Rails with special concern on page design. Just talk to me and I'll be right over.</span> No fancy crap like Microsoft please!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-03-18-i-got-my-first-bitchy-job.markdown b/_posts/2008-03-18-i-got-my-first-bitchy-job.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7d19f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-03-18-i-got-my-first-bitchy-job.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+layout: post
+title: I got my first (bitchy) job!
+tags: [ loadacrap ]
+published: true
+So the day has come... I'm not that excited because the whole day sucked like
+hell. If you're a guy who's hoping to get a decent job on your first try,
+forget it.
+For a start off, I arrived at 9h30 at the office so I would start being taught
+the all-fancy Microsoft's SharePoint... yet the boss only came at midday! I
+wasted 2,5 hours for nothing. When the guy actually came he said I should start
+with SharePoint right away. The thing is he didn't actually say I was to do it
+all by myself. After some dirty stuff we did lifting closets, me and a newcomer
+as well were given a book (not two - one per brain - , just one) and told:
+"Start doin' it, you have this virtual machine to start playing around..." What
+the hell?! Where's our training? This slide-like 250 page book with something
+we didn't put our brains into whensoever in our entire life and we just «start
+doin' it»??
+The worst thing was the machine I was given: it didn't work! I had to format it
+myself and spend 2 hours trying to make it work with the virtual machine up and
+running as well..! After everything was clear, I tried to actually run the VM;
+result: it didn't work again. One more hour to fix it and it finally goes up.
+What's my final suprise? The VM is slow as a turtoise!
+I can't work like this! Somebody make time go bullet fast because I had enough
+of this and it's been only my first day! I start to get a little scared of what
+might happen the next weeks.
+<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">I'm looking for a company that
+wants PHP or Rails with special concern on page design. Just talk to me and
+I'll be right over.</span> No fancy crap like Microsoft please!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-04-21-latex-the-word-processor-for-engineers-and-smart-people-too.html b/_posts/2008-04-21-latex-the-word-processor-for-engineers-and-smart-people-too.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c160e15..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-04-21-latex-the-word-processor-for-engineers-and-smart-people-too.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: LaTeX - the word processor for engineers (and smart people too)
-- Design
-- Development
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-When i met <a href="">Nuno Job</a>, we had a great time talking about technology and its future. He told me about <a href="">LaTeX</a>, a logical structure word processor. It allows people to write documents, books, reports, articles, you name it, through proper source code. <!--more-->This means a lot of things to me:
- <li>The code stays organized, which means the result document stays organized.</li>
- <li>No templates; or in other words, one single template.</li>
- <li>Want to pass the document through the network? Just a few KB instead of almost 1MB...!</li>
-Despite the LaTeX distribution being larger than a CD (at least for Mac OS, the Windows version is slightly smaller), it's worth it, especially if you're in a team in which everyone has to write a piece of a written delivery. I remember I had to spend almost two hours to format every piece into one big furball. Sounds kind of messy, huh? Try gathering up a team, each one writes a piece of the document at their own way and then try using LaTeX. Your conclusions should be the same as mine. :D
diff --git a/_posts/2008-04-21-latex-the-word-processor-for-engineers-and-smart-people-too.markdown b/_posts/2008-04-21-latex-the-word-processor-for-engineers-and-smart-people-too.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5215d6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-04-21-latex-the-word-processor-for-engineers-and-smart-people-too.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: post
+title: LaTeX - the word processor for engineers (and smart people too)
+tags: [ design, development ]
+published: true
+When i met [Nuno Job](, we had a great
+time talking about technology and its future. He told me about
+[LaTeX](, a logical structure word processor.
+It allows people to write documents, books, reports, articles, you name it,
+through proper source code. This means a lot of things to me:
+* The code stays organized, which means the result document stays organized.
+* No templates; or in other words, one single template.
+* Want to pass the document through the network? Just a few KB instead of
+ almost 1MB...!
+Despite the LaTeX distribution being larger than a CD (at least for Mac OS, the
+Windows version is slightly smaller), it's worth it, especially if you're in a
+team in which everyone has to write a piece of a written delivery. I remember I
+had to spend almost two hours to format every piece into one big furball.
+Sounds kind of messy, huh? Try gathering up a team, each one writes a piece of
+the document at their own way and then try using LaTeX. Your conclusions should
+be the same as mine. :D
diff --git a/_posts/2008-05-01-overuse-of-ajax-is-not-good.html b/_posts/2008-05-01-overuse-of-ajax-is-not-good.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9d3ae..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-05-01-overuse-of-ajax-is-not-good.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Overuse of AJAX is not good.
-- Development
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-I was having a nice chat with a <a title="Igor Carrasco" href="">partner of mine</a> about this new project we're to create soon. I was spreading the word on web standards design and he actually agreed on the principles. He also asked my opinion on using <acronym title="Asynchronous Javascript And XML">AJAX</acronym>, stating that it would be a great tool on server performance, although it would affect Google indexation; all true.
-<!--more-->The thing is he wanted to use AJAX the wrong way. In other words, he wanted to use it all the way, including content. That really is harsh towards findability, according to what he said, thus it shouldn't be used on generating content, unless we don't actually want it to be found, of course.
-If you want your content to be findable, just don't use AJAX. My whole learning process is about optimizing content and its generation and what I know for sure is that AJAX is for optimizing content management and not its generation (if you still want to use <acronym title="Asynchronous HTML And HTTP">AHAH</acronym> that's your call, I respect).
-For example, you have a blog with regular posts. If want to insert a new post, you won't actually need a brand new page just to say the post has been created. This is the perfect example to use AJAX in which the only thing you have to print from the server is a single phrase, after doing the insertion in the database of course.
-And that is only one example, there is a ton more out there!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-05-01-overuse-of-ajax-is-not-good.markdown b/_posts/2008-05-01-overuse-of-ajax-is-not-good.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11943e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-05-01-overuse-of-ajax-is-not-good.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+layout: post
+title: Overuse of AJAX is not good.
+tags: [ development ]
+published: true
+I was having a nice chat with a [partner of mine](
+about this new project we're to create soon. I was spreading the word on web
+standards design and he actually agreed on the principles. He also asked my
+opinion on using <abbr title="Asynchronous Javascript And XML">AJAX</abbr>,
+stating that it would be a great tool on server performance, although it would
+affect Google indexation; all true.
+The thing is he wanted to use AJAX the wrong way. In other words, he wanted to
+use it all the way, including content. That really is harsh towards
+findability, according to what he said, thus it shouldn't be used on generating
+content, unless we don't actually want it to be found, of course.
+If you want your content to be findable, just don't use AJAX. My whole learning
+process is about optimizing content and its generation and what I know for sure
+is that AJAX is for optimizing content management and not its generation (if
+you still want to use <abbr title="Asynchronous HTML And
+HTTP">AHAH</abbr> that's your call, I respect).
+For example, you have a blog with regular posts. If want to insert a new post,
+you won't actually need a brand new page just to say the post has been created.
+This is the perfect example to use AJAX in which the only thing you have to
+print from the server is a single phrase, after doing the insertion in the
+database of course.
+And that is only one example, there is a ton more out there!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-05-14-what-i-think-about-leadership-and-work.html b/_posts/2008-05-14-what-i-think-about-leadership-and-work.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 907cff1..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-05-14-what-i-think-about-leadership-and-work.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: What I think about leadership and work
-- Personal improvement
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-This goes to my dear friend <a href="">FS</a> who has helped me a lot today. Thank you for your example.
-I have (re)discovered that not everyone is meant to be a leader. The worst thing I have concluded is that the actual leaders shouldn't be leaders at all because they just don't know how to lead people the right way.
- <li>Bad leaders don't actually consider people as such: they call them "resources". Honestly I don't feel like I'm an object. What is more unmotivating than being treated as <em>something</em>, not <em>someone</em>?</li>
- <li>Bad leaders don't care of what you think, they just want to see the job done. I'm not against wanting the job done but I believe we deserve to feel good while doing our work. <strong>Work is not supposed to be a sacrifice, it's supposed to be a joyful way to serve people.</strong></li>
- <li>Bad leaders don't teach, they criticize and even when they do they do it wrong. Try and think of God or who/whatever serves you as a perfect example of a loving teacher. I'm sure much of the disappointments would fade away.</li>
- <li>Bad leaders think they know all and think we can do all. That's a huge difference between realizing someone's potential is good and showing trust on her work.</li>
-There would be a lot more bad attitudes I could point out, you can simply imagine one bad boss you've had (or you still do) and all the bad things they did to you.
-I want to assure you my will is to release society from wrong principles of professionalism and misconceptions of professional etiquette. If someone says you should not be yourself at work then something is definitely wrong. Of course you can actually be doing something wrong; in that case, I advice you to look over yourself and get over some big faults of yours. But if you strongly believe you are a nice person and if you realize your social life is quite rewarding then fear not and stand up for your valiant principles of innocence and truth.
-I stand up for a pleasant way of working and for better leadership.
diff --git a/_posts/2008-05-14-what-i-think-about-leadership-and-work.markdown b/_posts/2008-05-14-what-i-think-about-leadership-and-work.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc462d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-05-14-what-i-think-about-leadership-and-work.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+layout: post
+title: What I think about leadership and work
+tags: [ personal improvement ]
+published: true
+This goes to my dear friend [FS]( who has helped me a
+lot today. Thank you for your example.
+I have (re)discovered that not everyone is meant to be a leader. The worst
+thing I have concluded is that the actual leaders shouldn't be leaders at all
+because they just don't know how to lead people the right way.
+* Bad leaders don't actually consider people as such: they call them
+ _resources_. Honestly I don't feel like I'm an object. What can be more
+ unmotivating than being treated as _something_, not _someone_?
+* Bad leaders don't care of what you think, they just want to see the job done.
+ I'm not against wanting the job done but I believe we deserve to feel good
+ while doing our work. **Work is not supposed to be a sacrifice, it's supposed
+ to be a joyful way to serve people.**
+* Bad leaders don't teach, they criticize and even when they do they do it
+ wrong. Try and think of God or who/whatever serves you as a perfect example
+ of a loving teacher. I'm sure much of the disappointments would fade away.
+* Bad leaders think they know all and think we can do all. That's a huge
+ difference between realizing someone's potential is good and showing trust on
+ her work.
+There would be a lot more bad attitudes I could point out, you can simply
+imagine one bad boss you've had (or you still do) and all the bad things they
+did to you.
+I want to assure you my will is to release society from wrong principles of
+professionalism and misconceptions of professional etiquette. If someone says
+you should not be yourself at work then something is definitely wrong. Of
+course you can actually be doing something wrong; in that case, I advice you to
+look over yourself and get over some big faults of yours. But if you strongly
+believe you are a nice person and if you realize your social life is quite
+rewarding then fear not and stand up for your valiant principles of innocence
+and truth.
+I stand up for a pleasant way of working and for better leadership.
diff --git a/_posts/2008-06-26-the-balance-of-my-trip-to-the-usa.html b/_posts/2008-06-26-the-balance-of-my-trip-to-the-usa.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9407506..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-06-26-the-balance-of-my-trip-to-the-usa.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: The balance of my trip to the USA
-- Personal improvement
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-Tomorrow will be a week since I left Portugal on my first attempt to live alone and begin a new life on my own at the United States. Apparently it went wrong and for all of you guys that actually think that, <em>this is my final statement</em> on this week full of adventure, risk and emotions.
-<!--more-->I got in the plain Saturday, July 19th 2008, 9h30am. Everything was still an exciting mistery. Arrived at Newark, New Jersey at 3pm. <a href="" target="_blank">Jim Starace</a> picked me up to show me the town of Hauppauge, New York. He showed me my office, my home and some parts of town. For two days we drove to various spots like some stores for me to get some stuff to eat, sleep and fill the house. It was an interesting weekend, we could actually chat a little and hang out so me and Jim could get along as friends and colleagues at work.
-Monday came. Jim picked me from the hotel on our way to start my first day of work. A wonderful day that was. I met the boss, Keith, a wonderful guy indeed. Everyone at <a href="">Agency Access</a> is just lovely! I started my role as the in-house PHP developer in order to start the project I applied to. The whole day went just great. I had the perfect work day. I wish these days could exist where I live.
-Then another major event came upon: my moving in. When I first saw the house and said to me: "I won't be staying here too long, I can tell...". The house «looked» kinda nice but it was only that. The house smelled funny and it had no lights in the living room nor the bedroom. The floor was carpeted - I am not used to it - and the couch was dirty. I would get a new couch cover and the problem would be settled. I was so excited with all the adventure that I didn't even think about that whole mess. I just wanted to experience all of it; unfortunately it turned out the other way around.
-The first night at the place was ... peaceful. Until... the landlord turned the TV out loud till after bed time. I had the whole bedroom lit up by the moonlight so I just couldn't get no sleep because of these two incidents. I managed to get some sleep.
-Next day I wake up with pain in my back from the lousy night I had. I get up, I have breakfast and go to work. A lovely 20 minute walk in the midst of the trees that fill New York's suburbs. The whole work day was very pleasant and productive. I was actually enjoying working there very much, no doubt on that.
-When I came home, I felt this deep voidness inside. I was looking at my still unpacked case, my dirty couch, my TV set and decided to chill out a little bit. I laid on the couch with my laptop trying to chat with my friends at Portugal. A nice time that was. When all of them were off I decided to get something to eat. I had previously got those add-water meals so I could easily start off with something rather than milk &amp; cereals. So I put turn the oven on and it didn't last 5 minutes until the fire alarm went off...! I had to turn it off so the house wouldn't go nuts because of that. So milk &amp; cereals it was for dinner.
-I tried to listen to some of my music to see if I could relax but the moment I turned the music on I felt like I wanted to dance it with some girl. Guess what? There were no girls! Turn it off so I won't be crying. What could I possibly do at that time (it was like 9pm) ? Nothing but go to bed. And so I did. What happened? Landlord's TV out loud. Moonlight. I was trembling for so much disaster. I started crying in despair. That's where I found I was having no peace. The next morning I got the tickets and went back home.
-Life lesson: never face something <strong>that</strong> unknown. I lost a lot of money on this adventure and I must get them back no matter what. If you are reading this and want to do something alike this, be careful! I learned a lot in this week concerning risk taking, investing and inner joy, peace and happiness.
-I appreciate everyone's help and support. But there are three people I want to thank with kind attention: Jim Starace, for all the incomparable support during this week, my deepest <em>thank you</em> goes to you; <strong>my mother</strong> because she is my mother and there is no one like her, period; <a href="">Tony Chester</a>, leader of the OnWired team that first offered me a job but it didn't work. However, his concern has always meant a lot to me. My regards to you, Tony.
diff --git a/_posts/2008-06-26-the-balance-of-my-trip-to-the-usa.markdown b/_posts/2008-06-26-the-balance-of-my-trip-to-the-usa.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5177ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-06-26-the-balance-of-my-trip-to-the-usa.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+layout: post
+title: The balance of my trip to the USA
+tags: [ personal improvement ]
+published: true
+Tomorrow will be a week since I left Portugal on my first attempt to live alone
+and begin a new life on my own at the United States. Apparently it went wrong
+and for all of you guys that actually think that, _this is my final statement_
+on this week full of adventure, risk and emotions.
+I got in the plain Saturday, July 19th 2008, 9h30am. Everything was still an
+exciting mistery. Arrived at Newark, New Jersey at 3pm. [Jim
+Starace]( picked me up to show me the town of
+Hauppauge, New York. He showed me my office, my home and some parts of town.
+For two days we drove to various spots like some stores for me to get some
+stuff to eat, sleep and fill the house. It was an interesting weekend, we could
+actually chat a little and hang out so me and Jim could get along as friends
+and colleagues at work.
+Monday came. Jim picked me from the hotel on our way to start my first day of
+work. A wonderful day that was. I met the boss, Keith, a wonderful guy indeed.
+Everyone at [Agency Access]( is just lovely! I started
+my role as the in-house PHP developer in order to start the project I applied
+to. The whole day went just great. I had the perfect work day. I wish these
+days could exist where I live.
+Then another major event came upon: my moving in. When I first saw the house
+and said to me: "I won't be staying here too long, I can tell...". The house
+«looked» kinda nice but it was only that. The house smelled funny and it had no
+lights in the living room nor the bedroom. The floor was carpeted - I am not
+used to it - and the couch was dirty. I would get a new couch cover and the
+problem would be settled. I was so excited with all the adventure that I didn't
+even think about that whole mess. I just wanted to experience all of it;
+unfortunately it turned out the other way around.
+The first night at the place was ... peaceful. Until... the landlord turned the
+TV out loud till after bed time. I had the whole bedroom lit up by the
+moonlight so I just couldn't get no sleep because of these two incidents. I
+managed to get some sleep.
+Next day I wake up with pain in my back from the lousy night I had. I get up, I
+have breakfast and go to work. A lovely 20 minute walk in the midst of the
+trees that fill New York's suburbs. The whole work day was very pleasant and
+productive. I was actually enjoying working there very much, no doubt on that.
+When I came home, I felt this deep voidness inside. I was looking at my still
+unpacked case, my dirty couch, my TV set and decided to chill out a little bit.
+I laid on the couch with my laptop trying to chat with my friends in Portugal.
+A nice time that was. When all of them were off I decided to get something to
+eat. I had previously got those add-water meals so I could easily start off
+with something rather than milk &amp; cereals. So I put turn the oven on and it
+didn't last 5 minutes until the fire alarm went off...! I had to turn it off so
+the house wouldn't go nuts because of that. So milk &amp; cereals it was for
+I tried to listen to some of my music to see if I could relax but the moment I
+turned the music on I felt like I wanted to dance it with some girl. Guess
+what? There were no girls! Turn it off so I won't be crying. What could I
+possibly do at that time (it was like 9pm) ? Nothing but go to bed. And so I
+did. What happened? Landlord's TV out loud. Moonlight. I was trembling for so
+much disaster. I started crying in despair. That's where I found I was having
+no peace. The next morning I got the tickets and went back home.
+Life lesson: never face something _that_ unknown. I lost a lot of money on this
+adventure and I must get them back no matter what. If you are reading this and
+want to do something alike this, be careful! I learned a lot in this week
+concerning risk taking, investing and inner joy, peace and happiness.
+I appreciate everyone's help and support. But there are three people I want to
+thank with kind attention: Jim Starace, for all the incomparable support during
+this week, my deepest _thank you_ goes to you; _my mother_ because she is my
+mother and there is no one like her, period; [Tony
+Chester](, leader of the OnWired team that first offered me
+a job but it didn't work. However, his concern has always meant a lot to me. My
+regards to you, Tony.
diff --git a/_posts/2008-09-22-last-year-in-a-nutshell.html b/_posts/2008-09-22-last-year-in-a-nutshell.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c618fbe..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-09-22-last-year-in-a-nutshell.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: Last year in a nutshell
-- Personal improvement
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-Today is my 22nd birthday. Yay, you say. Actually, it was a lousy day if I must say, it rained all day, my degree ain't done yet and I have work to do.
-This post is more like an introspection to my progress throughout 2007/2008, regarding web design, development and self development. It has been by far the year that I have learned the most. It has been the year where I have put myself to test the most. It has been the year where I've finally met the USA, their culture, their "different" food. There were just so many things that happened! I can't even remember them all.
-<!--more-->This was the last year (until further notice) on my degree.
- <li>I experienced the challenge of being a leader of a pseudo-company. It's a wonderful experience yet tough if you don't know how to do it correctly or if you go soft. I met wonderful people, grew on open-source and developed my <em>standardismo</em> during that time.</li>
- <li>In 2008, I had a two month training in one of the biggest banks in Portugal. My first true work experience... boy, was that hard. Faced a bad boss, worked with awful .NET Framework 1.1, coded in Visual Basic and commuted between home, work and college.</li>
- <li>In July, I went to the USA, met lovely people and a lousy house. Won my first true job and my first true money. Learned a lot on web design, web tools and frameworks, productivity, self development and subsistance... everything that turns you into an adult. It really felt like I've taken lots of hormones to grow up faster. Try and picture it</li>
-It's September now and I feel wonderful. I know a lot more people, a lot more of my skills, a lot more of how my future should change from now. Well... I know it'll change a lot!
-Thanks for everyone that's helped me to become a better person, a better designer, a better developer, a better friend. I'm not going to name everybody because I have people I learned from ... for what I should do and what I shouldn't.
-I believe this year to come will bring me a lot of knowledge, experience and income so I can fulfill my dreams. Wish me luck!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-09-22-last-year-in-a-nutshell.markdown b/_posts/2008-09-22-last-year-in-a-nutshell.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c418903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-09-22-last-year-in-a-nutshell.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+layout: post
+title: Last year in a nutshell
+tags: [ personal improvement ]
+published: true
+Today is my 22nd birthday. Yay, you say. Actually, it was a lousy day if I must
+say, it rained all day, my degree ain't done yet and I have work to do.
+This post is more like an introspection to my progress throughout 2007/2008,
+regarding web design, development and self development. It has been by far the
+year that I have learned the most. It has been the year where I have put myself
+to test the most. It has been the year where I've finally met the USA, their
+culture, their "different" food. There were just so many things that happened!
+I can't even remember them all.
+This was the last year (until further notice) on my degree.
+* I experienced the challenge of being a leader of a pseudo-company. It's a
+ wonderful experience yet tough if you don't know how to do it correctly or if
+ you go soft. I met wonderful people, grew on open-source and developed my
+ _standardismo_ during that time.
+* In 2008, I had a two month training in one of the biggest banks in Portugal.
+ My first true work experience... boy, was that hard. Faced a bad boss, worked
+ with awful .NET Framework 1.1, coded in Visual Basic and commuted between
+ home, work and college.
+* In July, I went to the USA, met lovely people and a lousy house. Won my first
+ true job and my first true money. Learned a lot on web design, web tools and
+ frameworks, productivity, self development and subsistance... everything that
+ turns you into an adult. It really felt like I've taken lots of hormones to
+ grow up faster. Try and picture it.
+It's September now and I feel wonderful. I know a lot more people, a lot more
+of my skills, a lot more of how my future should change from now. Well... I
+know it'll change a lot!
+Thanks for everyone that's helped me to become a better person, a better
+designer, a better developer, a better friend. I'm not going to name everybody
+because I have people I learned from ... for what I should do and what I
+I believe this year to come will bring me a lot of knowledge, experience and
+income so I can fulfill my dreams. Wish me luck!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-10-09-pixelmator-a-smaller-photoshop.html b/_posts/2008-10-09-pixelmator-a-smaller-photoshop.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4950176..0000000
--- a/_posts/2008-10-09-pixelmator-a-smaller-photoshop.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-layout: post
-title: ! 'Pixelmator: a smaller Photoshop.'
-- Design
-status: publish
-type: post
-published: true
- _edit_last: '1'
-<img class="alignleft" src="" alt="Pixelmator_logo.jpg" width="75" height="80" />I've been sniping <a href="">Pixelmator</a> for a time ago. Truly simple, fast, sleek and result-driven tool. Oh, you don't know what Pixelmator is? It's a photography utility program that allows you to edit photos in a pinch! And since it's based on Mac so nicely, you can access your iPhoto library seamlessly. As <a href="">master Jobs</a> would say: pretty cool, huh?
-Oh and forgot to mention, it's open source based! This means low expense and good results as usual in the FOSS group. Will be posting some results with my experience on it, now that I'm almost to embrace photography more seriously. If you don't have the money nor the mad genius to get Photoshop, this is a real good way to start!
diff --git a/_posts/2008-10-09-pixelmator-a-smaller-photoshop.markdown b/_posts/2008-10-09-pixelmator-a-smaller-photoshop.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61c9d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2008-10-09-pixelmator-a-smaller-photoshop.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+layout: post
+title: ! 'Pixelmator: a smaller Photoshop.'
+tags: [ design ]
+published: true
+<img class="alignleft"
+alt="Pixelmator_logo.jpg" width="75" height="80" /> I've been sniping
+[Pixelmator]( for a time ago. Truly simple, fast,
+sleek and result-driven tool. Oh, you don't know what Pixelmator is? It's a
+photography utility program that allows you to edit photos in a pinch! And
+since it's based on Mac so nicely, you can access your iPhoto library
+seamlessly. As [master
+Jobs]( would say: pretty cool, huh?
+Oh and forgot to mention, it's open source based! This means low expense and
+good results as usual in the FOSS group. Will be posting some results with my
+experience on it, now that I'm almost to embrace photography more seriously. If
+you don't have the money nor the mad genius to get Photoshop, this is a real
+good way to start!