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+layout: post
+title: Take the time
+tags: [ learning, presentation ]
+> Check the [slides]( that went with
+> the presentation.
+* * *
+I want to start with the following quote from Ernest Hemingway as the premise
+for the talk:
+> There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is
+> being superior to your former self. – Ernest Hemingway
+I saw this quote for the first time in the movie *Kingsman*. I didn't realize who
+it was from at the time, but I did know who it should be for: every software
+developer who understands the value of their craft, as well as the need to
+constantly keep up with the latest technologies and schools of thought.
+This happened in early 2015. I certainly knew that I was already curious about
+things than most colleagues I've met in my career were not. I always felt apart
+from most of them. I had to chance to change that trend and work with some of the
+best people from around the world when it came to education.
+## My time at Tuts+
+I joined the company in March 2012, one of the best companies to work for if you
+want to pursue an educational path. This was a great opportunity for me because I
+always enjoyed helping others learn something new to them. Tuts+ helped me become
+a better teacher by exploring small details a lot deeper: structuring content,
+improving assumptions about students, finding their limitations, using quality
+analogies and examples to convey your message.
+Feedback from my students was paramount. They were the ones learning from me and
+their results were my evaluation. I felt comfort and satisfaction from their
+success stories, the same way I was concerned about their inability to comprehend
+certain parts of my lessons. Regardless of the outcome, I would know where to go
+and what to improve in order to become a better teacher.
+Aside from being able to improve my way of approaching students and their
+educational needs, the second most important thing I got from teaching was
+*learning* those things myself. There was so much to soak in that there were
+times I was pretty tired of learning! Serial learning can be exhausting at one
+point but don't let that become an obstacle to you. Cherish your passion for
+learning new things always. I only mentioned this curiosity because it was my job
+to learn so I could teach back and the process of digesting content for other
+people to learn from proved to be somewhat of a difficult task.
+## Screencasting vs *in loco* teaching
+I used to screencast back then. Some might contest the format, in the way that it
+limits the interaction between a teacher and a student/class and therefore the
+overall learning experience is compromised. It turns out that the argument is
+quite valid. The strongest point of screencasting is persistence, access and cost
+effectiveness. Content should be potentially stable in the future, preventing
+updates to happen. When content is handed off for recording, it's only a matter
+of producing it through simple themes to convey the message.
+Screencasting can be a great way to educate unidirectionally, using a different
+pedagogy. Students expect an unambiguous, straightforward take on a common
+problem that promotes little to no discussion; at least on an immediate level. A
+followup usually takes place through some other format: email, Twitter or forums
+are the usual suspects.
+When I run training sessions *in loco*, the experience changes dramatically. The
+agenda can be planned to be more challenging but also more thorough and/or more
+appropriate to the audience. I can connect to the students' minds and shape
+certain parts of the training to their own context. The result is a much more
+diverse, richer environment where everyone shares their learning process
+willingly and persists the training a lot better; pretty much like human beings
+persist memories better through sound or smell.
+Personal training sessions have been the classical form of educating for decades,
+if not centuries. A teacher educates through spoken word, while sometimes
+resorting to auxiliary material: slides, audio, video, exercises and field trips
+are the most common. There must be a reason why this is still the most common
+## How the brain works
+My daughter is now 14 months old. She has a very intense routine in the way that
+she lives her life very fully. At this time, it's only a matter of a few days
+until she learns a new gesture or associates a new word to a new toy or object,
+which I find amazing.
+My wife and I regularly turn music on for her and she enjoys it. Music (or sound,
+for that matter) or any other sense is a great way to boost memory. How many of
+you recall a certain place or a certain event in your life by just listening to a
+song or by smelling a certain perfume? For instance, I recall a certain emotion I
+felt by listening to a song from Bryan Adams, or a person I cherished by smelling
+a particular perfume.
+A video or a podcast can only exercise parts of your brain so much. There's only
+you and the words in your ears and/or in your screen. Content is peeled away from
+its potential to stick onto your brain, requiring much more effort from both you
+and your teacher, without necessarily ensuring you learn effectively and
+*In loco* training sessions give room to all senses to take part in the learning
+process, added to the fact that the teacher can pick up on each student's
+experiences and shape the content to them. Your brain learns far easier based off
+your own constructs than anyone else's, because they are not your own. I've done
+this in my last session and the results were very positive. Students soaked the
+knowledge much better because I've used their own context.
+## The orchestra that played a symphony
+Fables are wonderful for children. Simple stories that lead to a meaningful
+ending that applies to our own lives. I'd like to share a parable to establish a
+comparison that I told a class before. Software is often comparable to other
+crafts, particularly music.
+Enter the orchestra that played a symphony.
+An orchestra is to interpret a symphony. The maestro will conduct it. Each
+musician plays a different instrument, which in turn is laid out in their
+rightful place and fulfills a role in the whole masterpiece.
+Strings are at the front, from violins and violas to cellos and double
+basses. Woodwinds are next with clarinets, oboes, flutes and bassoons. Behind
+them lie the brasses: trumpets, trombones, french horns and tubas. Percussion
+goes way in the back along with a possible piano and a harp.
+A symphony has a well defined structure. It usually has 2 or 3 movements and is
+written in a particular tone. Unlike a concerto, there is no highlighted
+instrument that plays a lead role. Each one is a different but essential part of
+the machine, with no more nor less importance.
+The maestro has the responsibility of guiding the musicians along the
+interpretation. He knows what each instrument plays and how they should be
+played. Dynamics, tempo and musical interpretation are his to portray and
+demand. The entire collective of musicians must obey his instructions to achieve
+brilliance and harmony.
+Writing software is very much like a symphony. Well, at least it should be.
+Coordination; orchestration; separation of concerns and responsibilities; clear
+entities and roles; these are key points to brilliance, mastery and ultimate
+satisfaction. When we write simple, malleable code with these principles in mind,
+we achieve confidence which turns into bliss, among opportunities to tackle new
+challenges, improve ourselves and focus what really matters, instead of having to
+babysit our code each time something new appears.
+Long should be the days of writing bad code and feel indifferent about it. We are
+no longer young, illiterate beginners; we are professional software developers
+and it's time we bear that entitlement more seriously. But how can we face new
+challenges everyday while still keeping the quality we want to portray?
+### Improve yourself
+#### English skills
+Let's face it: we write code in English all the time. We communicate in GitHub in
+it. We wouldn't think of doing otherwise. It is the universal language for
+software developers and at some point in time we just end up living our lives in
+English. For instance, is your phone's language set to English? Is your Facebook
+page in English? Your website, your operating system, your video games? I know
+for a fact that I live my life pretty much in English. My wife is even
+considering teaching English class to my daughter so she can be prepared for the
+Despite all this, the questions I want to bring up are:
+1. Are you speaking/writing in English almost as often as you write code?
+2. Do you think you master the language? Do you even care?
+3. Do you struggle with expressing your thoughts/ideas through spoken or written
+ word?
+Learning how to convey our thoughts through a vehicle other than code is an
+extremely important soft skill to develop, so much so that our ability to code
+benefits from it directly. If we dedicate a little effort in practicing both
+written and spoken word, we stretch our boundaries and we collect incremental but
+significant results. Eloquence and mastery of the language open doors for new
+ways of approaching problems with more elegant, more insightful solutions. By
+improving on vocabulary and syntactic constructs we flex our perspective and we
+relate to challenges a lot more intelligently.
+I've been speaking English for 22 years now. Ever since I was eight years old, I
+have been exposed to it by American friends coming to our home and they would
+talk to me in English so I could practice. I watched a boatload of cartoons; in
+English. All the way from Dexter's Laboratory to Cow and Chicken, so many others
+that I lost count. I soaked everything.
+I can imagine most of you didn't have the same fortune as I did. Truth be told,
+the only thing I had was a head start. There is no time like the present to
+engage in the commitment to improve the way we speak and write.
+#### Charisma and confidence
+It's one thing to grasp a natural language on your own; another thing is to come
+out and express yourself to someone else. For some, this capability is natural
+— I, for one, have no problem with coming up on stage and speak to an audience
+—; for others it is their biggest fear in life.
+When I was little I was afraid of talking to people, I was awkward that way.
+However, with time I have conquered my fear by pushing myself around different
+levels of comfort zones. Sure, it took years, but then again I was a child and I
+wanted to play video games more than I wanted to speak to others.
+I was an active member of a religious group for some years and I was constantly
+challenged to participate in regular meetings. There was a segment in these
+meetings where people would stand by the pulpit and speak to the congregation. I
+started doing that at the age of nine. I planned and wrote the content at home,
+while resorting to the scriptures and quotes from leaders of that time to support
+it. When I was done I would rehearse my speech with my parents to make sure I had
+it right. I'm 30 years old now and I still review my talks with my wife.
+One thing I also did to improve my stance around people was learning how to
+dance. A true game changer! I entered college at the age of eighteen and even
+though I still wanted to play video games, I also wanted to meet women and be
+comfortable around them. So I joined a Salsa class to get my own way. You
+wouldn't imagine how nervous I felt when holding a girl in my hands. It took me a
+year until I went to a Salsa joint at night to dance with girls I knew, let alone
+total strangers. As time passed, my inhibitions faded and I felt a lot more
+confident in awkward situations.
+My last step to develop more confidence was to join a Tango class. It was a lot
+different than dancing Salsa but certainly no less a challenge in itself. Tango
+requires coordination, balance and communication. I was told that Tango is the
+only place in the world where the man is fully in charge. I took that joke as a
+challenge to myself. I was in charge of my body, my mind and my partner's body as
+well. We were apart by no more than a hand's measure. It takes grit and skill to
+do the Tango properly.
+This was my way of developing the often overlooked but very important soft skill
+to master: confidence. I took each of these challenges by the horns and I
+succeeded in being more confident around other people; not just women, mind
+you. Along with that came more self esteem and charisma to deal with today's
+objectives. The thing I enjoy the most about learning completely different trades
+is that they always bring something we can take into our work and life, something
+transversal to all disciplines.
+If we managed to have the guts to engage with our girlfriends back in the day,
+I'm pretty sure you'll be able to speak to a small audience such as your
+team. I'm not saying you should learn how to dance but try and dare yourself to
+do new things every now and then. Step out of the comfort zone and expose
+yourself to new experiences outside of work.
+### Improve your project
+#### Meaningful documentation
+How many of us have gazed through a terrible interface, a sidewalk placebo button
+or a cheap appliance with weird, unexpected behavior?
+The worst feeling when trying to use any library is to realize that it's not well
+documented: perhaps it's not scientifically correct; it has been written
+poorly. We can't go anywhere in a sensible time frame. What could be a
+potentially great asset to your project ends up in the bin because we can't
+reason with it and you question its reliability in the long term. No one wants a
+stale library that won't fit some time from now.
+A README document is the doormat for any piece of software, regardless of it
+being a gem, a plugin or your own Rails application. It should answer the
+following questions:
+* What is the project about?
+* What does it do?
+* How does it work?
+* What are the general options?
+* How do I install it? Any requirements?
+* What are its quirks and caveats?
+* Have other people asked common questions? What are the answers to them?
+First impressions are paramount. That also happens with the README, you should
+nurture it and give it as much attention as you do with your code. It reflects
+the overall quality of your software. What you write in the document should be
+exemplary, trustworthy and reliable. Go the extra mile and ask a proficient
+— if not native — English speaker to proof your document for
+spelling errors and poor phrasing.
+Ensure scientific correctness, in the way that the words you write should match
+your code. I've come across a library once, and one of the inaccuracies I found
+was that it claimed to be for Rails only. However, that was definitely not the
+case as there was nothing in the source code that targeted any Rails feature,
+even though there was a railtie. Rails was declared a hard dependency when it
+needn't be. Besides working my way to remove the unneeded dependency, I ensured
+the README stated clearly that Rails wasn't needed and could target any Ruby
+project, along with a couple of examples to prove the point.
+Small but effective initiatives like these are extremely cost effective. Whether
+you're bringing a new developer to your project or publishing a new open source
+library for others to work with, they will simply not dig through the code for
+answers. I dare to say they will drop your library almost instantly if they find
+a poorly written, incomplete, inaccurate or non-existent README.
+#### Educated code / code as narrative
+Following up on the previous topic, when we grok the language we use daily for
+communicating our intentions and we apply that ability when writing code, we
+significantly improve its quality and life expectancy.
+If you ever attended a code retreat before, you might recall the Conway's Game of
+Life exercise. It's one of the best opportunities to explore new ideas, try new
+things and improve one's craft. I've come across several attempts at the exercise
+and the conclusions I take from them are very interesting:
+1. Novice programmers tend to express their ideas very vaguely. Poor naming,
+ complex and/or nested code structures, little segregation of behavior, among
+ others; these are the most common patterns. When I ask the reasons behind
+ their approach, they often struggle to explain their thoughts clearly. This
+ inability to speak their code blocks opportunities for improvement in an
+ efficient, timely and confident manner. Things like substantial refactors and
+ behavior swaps pose a significant challenge. Tests have little impact on
+ their role as quality enforcers.
+2. Experienced programmers have a much more mature grasp of the concepts to be
+ put to test in these sessions. They showcase great skills in naming variables
+ and methods, extracting behavior into their own classes, simple testing and
+ mild refactoring. Furthermore, these programmers like to take different
+ approaches in terms of perspective. They usually like to explore uncharted
+ territory, attempt creative solutions, take stabs on performance or simply
+ explore tools that are new to them: perhaps a new language or a new test
+ framework. Since functional programming is the new hotness right now, a lot of
+ them tend to explore that paradigm.
+What I tend to do in these sessions is to teach beginners how to write prose with
+code. A narrative is much simpler to interpret and rework than just using code
+primitives. They are just too distant from our regular thought processing, we
+need to write code that is as close to natural language as possible, without
+compromising quality or performance. By doing so, we avoid getting lost in
+translation, while representing behavior by a proper name and create
+opportunities for change to happen within a natural language domain if needed.
+In a nutshell, narrative is the linchpin that holds every part in the business:
+developers, clients and managers. It is the common denominator to all
+disciplines. Eloquence promotes clarity which is paramount to success. There's no
+reason not to promote this idea in your team.
+## Challenges
+There's no doubt that promoting education in a company is a serious endeavor. It
+costs time and, ergo, money. Developers want to keep up with the latest and
+greatest, but things like deadlines, overall fatigue or bad management (macro and
+micro) prevent us from taking the plunge. To make matters worse, management often
+encourages innovation and new ideas, albeit on paper because there's no time or
+money to support it. I've come across this very scenario and it's very
+disheartening to experience the paradox.
+We all want to upgrade our apps from Rails 4 to 5, rebuild them from scratch
+because of all the technical debt, use microservices, a SPA with Ember or React,
+implement a Docker infrastructure in AWS, perhaps use Kubernetes, switch from
+Rails to dry.rb or even Elixir and Phoenix entirely, kick the asset pipeline out
+for Webpack or Brunch. What's preventing us from doing so? You can only know the
+answer if you take the time to find the true answer. Remember that the first
+answer might not be the best one.
+It's important to take small steps when going to introduce change. Software isn't
+a one trick pony that often and determining how much value a tool brings to our
+organization is crucial. Don't just use React because you want to, determine its
+cost of investment over its return. I remember one time where React was brought
+up to the table and as much as we would like to use it, it just wasn't meant to
+be. It meant an entire rework of an application that was 5+ years old with so
+much debt that it would be ludicrous.
+Instead of going for reworks, why not building a small, internal tool? Like
+Subvisual does? Apply your investment into a leveraging, usable product and draw
+conclusions after that. Learn by doing something valuable and yet without
+restrictions. Think about how it could be injected into your already existing
+apps while considering its implications:
+* Is it feasible?
+* Does the integration do more harm than good?
+* Does it fit into your infrastructure or does it need to fit the app?
+* Does it scale well?
+* Does it hurt your users' overall experience?
+* Does it cause regressions?
+Should you find value in the change and ensure it's within your company's reach,
+you should go for it. Part of who we are as software developers is to push the
+limits, if ever so slightly. Record what you did and for what purpose. Throw a
+wednesday talk about it, share your insights to the entire team. Have it
+participate in the debate with each colleague's own ideas.
+### Create an education strategy
+What do you think about all this? Is this too farfetched a vision? Are you afraid
+you might waste time and money? Does your manager resist change or does your
+company simply not create the investment or interest that's required for
+I challenge you and your team to consider and implement an education strategy.
+Don't just stand in awe before someone else's achievements, set goals to achieve
+improvement yourself. Work with each other, include management in the endeavor
+too. Start small. Save an hour each week to talk candidly about your projects,
+how they stand and what's not working so well. Track your findings in a log and
+go from there. Arrange internal talks and promote meaningful discussion. Be
+organized when you do all this, it's hard enough to live under deadlines and technical or educational debt, let alone in chaos.
+It's not easy most of the time, I've been through that myself. In fact, it was so
+hard to try and bring these ideas that I had to quit my job. Sometimes the path
+is too treacherous to even try, especially if you're alone.
+## In a nutshell
+Take the time to get educated. Raise your standards, your team's and your
+company's. Be better than your former self. Stop coding for yourself, start
+coding for others. Tell a meaningful story. Be confident in your code and your
+words. Take the time to practice and master the little things so as to give space
+and time for more important things. Grow your judgment to be unbiased and
+enriching, rather than demeaning towards others.
+If you're going to pursue teaching in any way, teach others the way you'd like to
+learn. Don't just throw words out for free; hone your method, be valuable to your
+students, respect one of the oldest professions in history.
+Take initiative towards your peers and management, speak up about your concerns
+and ambitions. Make sure those will benefit the company or team in any way. Start
+with small things and climb your way up towards more challenging but more
+rewarding endeavors in order to grow as an individual and as a team.
+Increase accuracy in your projects by writing code that represents your business,
+in a context that everyone gets right off. Reduce the risk of error and give room
+for progress and for important communication to happen, instead of fighting over
+avoidable bugs and regressions.
+A call to our managers: promote time in your company for its education, allow
+developers to embrace innovation and respond to challenges, empower them with the
+craft they need, as well as soft skills. Walk alongside them, not behind or in
+front of them.
+## Useful links
+- [The Art of README – Stephen Whitmore](
+- [We, the community – Tiago Pedras](